Trout Unlimited Canada
Fly Tying by Helen Shaw
No book has taught or retaught more serious fly tyers the basic skills of tying than Helen Shaw's. Its lucid prose and more than 250 life size tying sequences make the various processes absolutely clear. There are chapters on Tools, Thread, Tinsel, Floss, Wool, Dubbing, Hairs, Quill, and feathers; and there is an especially helpful chapter on The Finished Fly. The result of this method of treating the separate techniques necessary in fly tying is the development of skills that will enable any fly tyer to tie hundreds of different patterns.
A whole new generation of tyers will benefit from the reintroduction of this masterful book on the twenty-fifth anniversary of its original publication.
Author: Helen Shaw
Book Condition: Good
Jacket Condition: Good (Some wear)
ISBN: 0-941130-54-1
Publisher: Lyons & Burford
Published Date: 1987
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