Trout Unlimited Canada
Fly-Fishing with Children
Fly-Fishing with Children
Fly-Fishing with Children, a Guide for Parents by Philip Brunquell, M.D. 1995, The Countryman Press Inc, Vermont.
Author Philip Brunquell, a pediatric neurologist, parent, and ardent fly-angler, combines extensive knowledge of fly-fishing with a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of children. Writing with humor and often lyrically, Brunquell demonstrates conclusively that even young children can enjoy fly-fishing. At the same time, relationships between parents and children will be enriched, and children will become more aware of the need to conserve our fragile freshwater resources. For children not yet ready to fly-cast, Brunquell suggests alternate ways of presenting the fly. For older children, he recommends basic casts to learn and ways to practice casting, playing, and landing fish. You'll find advice on selecting economical tackle and simple modifications to make it easier for children to use. Safety issues, such as choosing protective clothing, taking precautions against Lyme disease, and and administering first aid, are emphasized. A special chapter, "The Disabled Child," offers advice on improving stream access and making casting equipment easier for the disabled to use.
First edition Paperback
Book Condition: Very good. Marker line on bottom pages
Jacket Condition: Very good. Sticker resin
ISBN: 0-88150-350-9
Publisher: The Countryman Press
Published Date: 1995
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